| Title: The Sentient Milieu - Ripples in Time Remix Pack: 4 - The New Alliance of Free Stars Track #: 15 Length: 1:57 Written by: Jouni Airaksinen Comments:
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Write a comment! Mn-Quah March 6th, 2014 - 05:13:44
This is one of my faves. Sounds exactly like I always imagined the Milieu folks, highly advanced, yet very mysterious guys... and 1:10, oh boy, how awesome would be meeting and chatting to those guys on the game!
TiLT May 27th, 2013 - 15:39:44
Of course it's intentional. What would you expect it to be used for? It's just a little easter egg meant to make people ask questions like that. :)
ari May 26th, 2013 - 08:31:51
This track seems to be missing from the zipped pack, is that intentional?